Cyber Security Training
사이버 보안 역량을 항상 최고로 유지할 방법은 훈련입니다.
Cyber Security Training
사이버 보안 역량을 항상 최고로 유지할 방법은 훈련입니다.
Cyber Security Training
사이버 보안 역량을 최고로
유지하도록 지원합니다.
Cyber Security Training
기술 너머의 압도적인 전문성
기술 너머의
압도적인 전문성
실제 사이버 위협 발생 상황에서 체계적으로 대응할 수 있는 교육을 제공합니다.
조직의 사이버 복원력을 키울 수 있는 훈련 플랫폼과 교육을 제공합니다.
실제 사이버 위협 발생 상황에서 체계적으로 대응할 수 있는
교육을 제공합니다. 조직의 사이버 복원력을 키울 수 있는
훈련 플랫폼과 교육을 제공합니다.
사이버 복원력을 키울 수 있는 훈련 플랫폼과 교육을 제공합니다.
국내 최다 CTF 운영
국내 최다 CTF 운영
국내 최다 CTF 운영
2023 사이버보안챌린지
2023 사이버보안챌린지
2023 사이버보안챌린지
국내외 주요 기업, 기관 교육
국내외 주요 기업, 기관 교육
국내외 주요 기업, 기관 교육
Further, higher
앤키 화이트햇의 사이버 보안 교육, 훈련 수준과 역량은 계속해서 높아지고 있습니다.
앤키 화이트햇의 사이버 보안 교육, 훈련 수준과
역량은 계속해서 높아지고 있습니다.
사이버 보안 교육, 훈련
역량을 높입니다.
“With cyber attack threats becoming increasingly sophisticated these days, I was able to learn the latest hacking techniques and defense strategies through this educational program. The practical experience-based lectures by the instructors were very helpful.”
Mr. Park
At first, the field of security seemed too difficult, but after taking this training, my understanding of cybersecurity has greatly improved. In particular, trying out hacking exercises myself was fun and impressive.
Manager Kim
"I learned not only theory but also practical cases, and I have also learned practical response techniques to protect the information I have. It seems that my awareness of personal information security has greatly increased."
Director Song
“With cyber attack threats becoming increasingly sophisticated these days, I was able to learn the latest hacking techniques and defense strategies through this educational program. The practical experience-based lectures by the instructors were very helpful.”
Mr. Park
At first, the field of security seemed too difficult, but after taking this training, my understanding of cybersecurity has greatly improved. In particular, trying out hacking exercises myself was fun and impressive.
Manager Kim
"I learned not only theory but also practical cases, and I have also learned practical response techniques to protect the information I have. It seems that my awareness of personal information security has greatly increased."
Director Song
“With cyber attack threats becoming increasingly sophisticated these days, I was able to learn the latest hacking techniques and defense strategies through this educational program. The practical experience-based lectures by the instructors were very helpful.”
Mr. Park
At first, the field of security seemed too difficult, but after taking this training, my understanding of cybersecurity has greatly improved. In particular, trying out hacking exercises myself was fun and impressive.
Manager Kim
"I learned not only theory but also practical cases, and I have also learned practical response techniques to protect the information I have. It seems that my awareness of personal information security has greatly increased."
Director Song
“With cyber attack threats becoming increasingly sophisticated these days, I was able to learn the latest hacking techniques and defense strategies through this educational program. The practical experience-based lectures by the instructors were very helpful.”
Mr. Park
At first, the field of security seemed too difficult, but after taking this training, my understanding of cybersecurity has greatly improved. In particular, trying out hacking exercises myself was fun and impressive.
Manager Kim
"I learned not only theory but also practical cases, and I have also learned practical response techniques to protect the information I have. It seems that my awareness of personal information security has greatly increased."
Director Song
“With cyber attack threats becoming increasingly sophisticated these days, I was able to learn the latest hacking techniques and defense strategies through this educational program. The practical experience-based lectures by the instructors were very helpful.”
Mr. Park
At first, the field of security seemed too difficult, but after taking this training, my understanding of cybersecurity has greatly improved. In particular, trying out hacking exercises myself was fun and impressive.
Manager Kim
"I learned not only theory but also practical cases, and I have also learned practical response techniques to protect the information I have. It seems that my awareness of personal information security has greatly increased."
Director Song
“With cyber attack threats becoming increasingly sophisticated these days, I was able to learn the latest hacking techniques and defense strategies through this educational program. The practical experience-based lectures by the instructors were very helpful.”
Mr. Park
At first, the field of security seemed too difficult, but after taking this training, my understanding of cybersecurity has greatly improved. In particular, trying out hacking exercises myself was fun and impressive.
Manager Kim
"I learned not only theory but also practical cases, and I have also learned practical response techniques to protect the information I have. It seems that my awareness of personal information security has greatly increased."
Director Song
“With cyber attack threats becoming increasingly sophisticated these days, I was able to learn the latest hacking techniques and defense strategies through this educational program. The practical experience-based lectures by the instructors were very helpful.”
Mr. Park
At first, the field of security seemed too difficult, but after taking this training, my understanding of cybersecurity has greatly improved. In particular, trying out hacking exercises myself was fun and impressive.
Manager Kim
"I learned not only theory but also practical cases, and I have also learned practical response techniques to protect the information I have. It seems that my awareness of personal information security has greatly increased."
Director Song
“With cyber attack threats becoming increasingly sophisticated these days, I was able to learn the latest hacking techniques and defense strategies through this educational program. The practical experience-based lectures by the instructors were very helpful.”
Mr. Park
At first, the field of security seemed too difficult, but after taking this training, my understanding of cybersecurity has greatly improved. In particular, trying out hacking exercises myself was fun and impressive.
Manager Kim
"I learned not only theory but also practical cases, and I have also learned practical response techniques to protect the information I have. It seems that my awareness of personal information security has greatly increased."
Director Song
Training Program
다양한 분야의 공격에
대응하는 실제 능력을 향상합니다.
공격에 대응하는
능력을 향상시킵니다.
웹 해킹
웹 해킹의 원리와 다양한 기술 및 취약점 피해사례에 대한 분석 교육
웹 해킹
웹 해킹의 원리와 다양한 기술 및 취약점 피해사례에 대한 분석 교육
웹 해킹
웹 해킹의 원리와 다양한 기술 및 취약점 피해사례에 대한 분석 교육
리버스 엔지니어링
어셈블리, 디스어셈블 실습을 통한 리버싱 분석 기법과 소프트웨어 크래킹, 난독화, 언패킹 등 심화 교육
리버스 엔지니어링
어셈블리, 디스어셈블 실습을 통한 리버싱 분석 기법과 소프트웨어 크래킹, 난독화, 언패킹 등 심화 교육
리버스 엔지니어링
어셈블리, 디스어셈블 실습을 통한 리버싱 분석 기법과 소프트웨어 크래킹, 난독화, 언패킹 등 심화 교육
시스템 해킹
시스템 취약점과 이를 공격하기 위한 다수의 해킹 기법을 학습
시스템 해킹
시스템 취약점과 이를 공격하기 위한 다수의 해킹 기법을 학습
시스템 해킹
시스템 취약점과 이를 공격하기 위한 다수의 해킹 기법을 학습
모바일 해킹
모바일 해킹에 대한 기초부터 공격방법, 개선방안 및 모의훈련과 사례연구를 통한 교육, 실습
모바일 해킹
모바일 해킹에 대한 기초부터 공격방법, 개선방안 및 모의훈련과 사례연구를 통한 교육, 실습
모바일 해킹
모바일 해킹에 대한 기초부터 공격방법, 개선방안 및 모의훈련과 사례연구를 통한 교육, 실습
웹 브라우저 해킹
웹 브라우저의 다양한 취약점 유형과 발생 원리에 대한 학습과 특정 취약점의 분석 및 실습
웹 브라우저 해킹
웹 브라우저의 다양한 취약점 유형과 발생 원리에 대한 학습과 특정 취약점의 분석 및 실습
웹 브라우저 해킹
웹 브라우저의 다양한 취약점 유형과 발생 원리에 대한 학습과 특정 취약점의 분석 및 실습
CTF 문제 풀이
과거 CTF 문제 풀이를 통해 모의 훈련 및 실전 능력 강화
CTF 문제 풀이
과거 CTF 문제 풀이를 통해 모의 훈련 및 실전 능력 강화
CTF 문제 풀이
과거 CTF 문제 풀이를 통해 모의 훈련 및 실전 능력 강화
서울특별시 송파구 송파대로 167
(테라타워 B동 1214~1217호)
ENKI Whitehat Co., Ltd.
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